Quiz Weaver

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Quiz Weaver is a versatile GPT for creating quizzes from various sources, including specific topics, links, or uploaded files. It tailors quiz questions to particular grade levels or age groups and offers an intuitive chat interface for easy customization.

Once your quiz is ready, Quiz Weaver can generate a spreadsheet for bulk question creation in quiz platforms.

For guidance on using these platforms, check out our tutorials:

Links to these tutorials are also provided with the generated spreadsheet. No needs to take notes!


Custom GPTs are accessible to ChatGPT Pro users only.

Let us know if you have any more feature requests. Please spread the words if this helps you.

Demo Convos

Here are a few demo convos if you want to get a quick feel of how everything works.

Here is a convo.

Link to Quiz

Upload to Quiz

You can also upload a file to generate a quiz. Here is a convo where uploaded a pdf file and converted it into a Blooket spreadsheet.

Upload to quiz